Automated Inspections
Automating the defect inspection process for councils and state road authorities.

Retina Visions' point of difference is that our cameras can be seamlessly installed into any vehicle, enabling infrastructure managers to automatically detect defects using vehicles already operating on their road network.
This innovation transforms waste trucks, street sweepers, council fleets, and more into inspection vehicles. As a result, organisations no longer need to deploy additional staff or contractors for inspections, reducing both operational costs and their overall carbon footprint.
Our team is dedicated to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and computer vision to drive impactful changes in infrastructure management.

End-to-End Solution
Empowering Infrastructure Management
Another of Retina Visions' philosophies was to utilise the Asset Management System (AMS) of the infrastructure manager, not to build duplicate functionality. Once the defects are in the AMS, infrastructure managers can:
Determine which defects meet intervention levels and apply the associated response days
Package defects into work orders and groups of work orders to plan and execute efficiently
Capture the costs of all defect repairs and allocate them to the appropriate road or footpath assets
Utilise the AMS Business Analytics and Reporting capability
Score assets based on the volume and severity of defects, quickly identifying those needing more holistic treatments (e.g. road reseal)
Feed strategic asset management models producing asset valuations, life predictions and future treatment recommendations
Publish road and footpath defects on publicly available websites to both inform the public and reduce phone and web-based complaints

The Natural Disaster Funding Tool standardises the pre and post condition data matching with the defects that arise from natural disasters and streamlines the process for councils.
Retina Visions' technology is used by over 30 councils, state road authorities and private contractors across Australia, New Zealand and parts of Asia.